Tina Kotek: “I’ll always be on the side of working people”
[Portland, OR] – The Tina for Oregon campaign released a new ad, “Essential,” in which Tina speaks directly to voters about her fight for working families across Oregon.
The ad highlights Tina’s track record as a champion for working people – raising the minimum wage and making sure workers have paid sick days and paid family leave – and her commitment to keep fighting to make housing, health care and child care more affordable as Governor.
Click HERE to view “Essential”

“From the virus to rising costs, things are only getting tougher for working families. That’s why we need Tina Kotek as our next Governor. She is the only candidate who will always be on the side of working people,” said Katie Wertheimer, communications director. “Meanwhile, Betsy Johnson and Christine Drazan have demonstrated time and again that they will side with corporate special interests over workers on the issues that matter most.”
Below is the transcript for “Essential”:
[Tina]: They were called “essential” and put their own safety on the line for us.
But, even as the virus fades, the pressure on them does not.
I’m Tina Kotek, and I believe work should be valued.
That’s why I fought so hard to raise the minimum wage, make sure everyone has paid sick days and paid family leave.
As governor, I’ll fight to make housing, health care and child care more affordable.
And I’ll always be on the side of working people.